Never Let your dreams fail you Dream Big ~
"Dream Big"Acrylic on canvas Theresa Huse 2011
How many times do you really focus on creating and making your big dreams a reality? Honestly I have had lots of ideas only to see them go to the wayside and then later see them as someone else 's success. This year I truly want to focus on dreaming big! It might mean I have a lot of hard work in front of me. I can see some of the things that haven't worked for me and know some changes need to be made to make my big dreams a reality! I hope that you will see some of the big dream changes coming here on the blog and in other ways which I will share later with you. I have some ideas to put into play and hope when I do you will feel like participating. I think it is important to share our learning journeys, creative processes and art work in order to grow. Remember not every idea, piece of artwork or day will have success when you dream big, but if you put those words into action I am positive you are going to see results!
This weeks free journal prompt is for you to write about "Dream Big" and what it means to you. What steps you need to get there? How will you put your big dreams into action? or How are you putting your big dreams into action? What a perfect time of year to start with dreaming big and positive intentions~
Journal Prompt: Dream Big
Food for Thought:
Your unique creative talents and abilities are flowing through you and are being expressed in deeply satisfying ways. Your creativity is always in demand. ~ Louise L. Hay
Think Big There are unseen forces ready to support your dreams~ Cheryl Richardson
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