What do you want to bring to life in this final part of the year? Is it time to breathe some fresh energy into your 2009 goals and intentions? Is it time for completion and clearing? Are you already starting to cast forward into 2010? What will you dream of under the Full Frost Moon?
These are some of the questions that Jamie Ridler asked at Jamie Ridler Studios. I made a full frost moon dream board at Polyvore to renew some fresh energy into my 2009 goal and intentions. I put a journal in my picture to represent my journal and list of things to accomplish.~ I don't want to just have the list in a journal. I want to complete the intentions on my list. I want to be able to stay focused, be original, creative and sell my creations. Soon I will be opening an Etsy shop. I have had this on my list but now is the time to finalize the intention! I also need to focus on being happy and healthy and not letting the past drag me down. ~ I have to draw on my faith and be secure that I am following the right path and my dreams will be a reality that fall into place. I want to be ready for a new year full of beginnings and happiness. There are lots of firsts coming in 2010~ I will share those with you later! Thanks for stopping by~ Theresa