From the color inspirationThe purpose of our lives is to be happy!This saying meant a lot to me. Leaving the corporate world, dealing with change, and finding my new path. Sure there may not be the security of a steady income, but thankfully I have support.
Although things have changed to adapt to the income difference, there is a complete feeling that I am in the right place and doing the right thing.
With faith and hard work I can make up for lost time and create my own new direction that will include a path to my success on my terms.
But each day I must remind myself that
the purpose of our lives is to be happy. So I enjoy the simple things: More time for family, the outdoors, birds in my yard, reading, creating a new path with art and more!
I know it will feel like a full circle when my visions are in motion and others can see my dream in action.
This is a acrylic painting on canvas with mixed media paper working.