Thursday, January 21, 2010


Little Spy. Image copyright Vlad Dumitreanu

I am reflecting on what I am creating these days. I have been painting and writing in my journal trying to figure out what direction I want to go. Maybe I am thinking too much. Sometimes I feel when I just sit down to create art, start without an idea and just open my soul I receive inspiration. Then there are days when I just need to take a break. I am always looking at other peoples art work for inspiration, then comparing, analyzing, searching for me. I think I need to just paint, paint, paint and the me will show up.

Today my mother in law gave me a dvd Transformation through Art: A Personal Mythic Journey by Patricia Waters. Patrica Waters has a unique style of Goddess, Mother Earth, Mandala art. I will let you know what I think of the dvd after I view it. It is the story of a woman's inner journey through over 50 years of her artwork. She also invites others to use art as a medium for healing.
Patricia Waters link

I hope by viewing this I can soften my inner critic and allow myself the time needed to find the style in me which truly defines me. I promise to share more of my art journal and work soon~

Who has helped you when your art journey has had stumbling blocks? What art books, dvds, artists have inspired your style? Have you come across your inner critic?
What do you do to push through and find your voice?

"What is my identity? This question produces a kind of crisis in my thinking about my painting and myself." Gunther Guerzso

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