Wednesday, July 7, 2010

High Wire Journal Page- Circus Trees

Partial shot from journal page

Circus Tree Images via Donna62
My journal page high wire partial shot

Just a short post today~ I am going to meet my brother, nephew and niece in Gilroy, CA. about a little over 2 hours away from us and about hour from where he is staying. In the midst of swim lessons and everything else, but it is hard to get together when they live quite far from us and they happen to be in the bay area where is wife is working a conference. We are going to take the kids to Gilroy Gardens where there is 6 gardens and 40 rides now~ Here is a little information about the Circus Trees grown by Axel N. Erlandson (1884-1964) History about Axel click link here & here. I hope to take some pictures when we are there to share and post later this week. Here is a glimpse also of part of a journal page I am working on. I'll post the rest of the photos and full shot of the journal page later too. I find it quite odd that I had been thinking circus and here we are going to see these unusual Circus Trees at this amusement park~ I love when stuff like that happens, a little bit like Déjà vu. Does that ever happen to you? Have you found time to make any day trips this summer? How about work in your journal or on some artwork? Check out the links the history is quite interesting and amazing life art~

1 comment:

  1. As I was looking through your pics, I kept saying to myself, those look like the trees in Gilroy Gardens. Sure enough they are! Pretty cool looking, I hope you had a good time today. I also love your high wire jounral page. Even though I don't like the circus, I'm oddly drawn to and facinated by circus pictures.

    Have fun with your family!


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