Sunday, September 19, 2010

Simply Sunday "Free Journal Prompt"

Validity in logic, determining whether a statement is true. Today our journal prompt is for you to Validate yourself~ Make a list of who you are: Whether an artist, musician, sculptor, painter, creative, writer, mom......You get the point. The essence of who you are or want to become. You can draw a illustration of yourself or representation as I did. But the purpose of this is to reinforce who you are no matter where you are on your journey to your goal of being that person. What are you proud of? Write down some advice for yourself; such as not to be so hard on yourself, a note to yourself to have have courage or to love yourself better. Today count your own blessings & validate who you are!

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. ~Vincent Van Gogh

Its not who you are that holds you back, its who you think your not. ~Author Unknown

Today I am validating myself "I am an artist"~ Who are you? Please let me know~ Are you an artist too? or a photographer, writer, blogger.........


  1. I am really loving these drawing/paintings you have been doing and I love this prompt. I will have to explore this prompt:)

  2. What about ... being a creative and letN folks know we are able and willing to draw from the well for ourselves and them.


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